Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Early morning seminary freshman year.
Well i don't remember where i exactly met him but he went to my high school, I remember Brother Cannon telling me to, "keep an eye on him and make good friends with him" or something along those lines. So that's what i did.
We went to dances together, those were the days going to tri-stake dances with our dance cards and $2.
One Saturday night, the night in which the dances were held, me, Julie, and Adrian went to go see Spiderman just before and then we walked over to the dance. That night at the movie was probably my happiest moment of him, We totally held hands the whole way though.
Since that moment every chance i really got to have friends over i would, Adrian was like my best friend, ok more like he is my best friend.
We would usually end up playing Super Mario Kart upstairs on my N64.
He would be always be: Yoshi
Either that or watch movies, go swimming, or just talk mostly it would be on the phone late at night.
One time he went to one of my choir concerts and he gave me a rose, which by they way i think i still have.
So i convinced him to join Choir the next year. Which he did.
The next year in Seminary well every time he would look at me i would just get those bubbly butterfly feeling in my stomach.
One time we were talking on the phone and he said that he was going to make me a necklace. Which he did but it ended up being too small, it wouldn't fit over my head. So he made me another one.
Freshman year 6th hour we would write each other notes but we wouldn't give it to each other till we passed each other between the bell starting of 7th hour.
(if that made any sense cause it made perfect sense in my head, oh well)
Right before break in between semesters Adrian's Family moved away to Parker, Co
He sent me one letter.
Called me once.
I send him letters, but no reply to any of them, they don't even get returned.
I honestly don't even know if he is even alive or not.
So i write this as a memory of Adrian, he's what made me the quirky person i am today and the person who will always care no matter what!


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